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Using Algorithms

  1. In your main.cpp import Graaf and algorithm of choice:
#include <graaflib/graph.h>
#include <graaflib/algorithm/cycle_detection/dfs_cycle_detection.h>
  1. Build your graph:
graaf::directed_graph<const char, int> g;

const auto a = g.add_vertex('a');
const auto b = g.add_vertex('b');
const auto c = g.add_vertex('c');

g.add_edge(a, b, 1);
g.add_edge(c, a, 1);
  1. Run the algorithm:
std::cout << "Has cycles: " << graaf::algorithm::dfs_cycle_detection(g) << "\n";
  1. Visualize the graph:
#include <graaflib/io/dot.h>
graaf::io::to_dot(g, "./");
  1. Putting it all together:
#include <graaflib/graph.h>
#include <graaflib/io/dot.h>
#include <graaflib/algorithm/cycle_detection/dfs_cycle_detection.h>

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
graaf::directed_graph<const char, int> g;

const auto a = g.add_vertex('a');
const auto b = g.add_vertex('b');
const auto c = g.add_vertex('c');

g.add_edge(a, b, 1);
g.add_edge(c, a, 1);

std::cout << "Vertices: " << g.vertex_count() << "\n";
std::cout << "Edges: " << g.edge_count() << "\n";

std::cout << "Has cycles: " << graaf::algorithm::dfs_cycle_detection(g) << "\n";

g.add_edge(b, c, 1);
std::cout << "Has cycles: " << graaf::algorithm::dfs_cycle_detection(g) << "\n";

graaf::io::to_dot(g, "./");
std::cout << "Run: dot -Tpng -o Cycles.png\n";

return 0;

Congratulations! You just detected if there are cycles in the following graph

Cycle detection example